The Extra Step You Should Take When Storing Scones

Scones are best when they are eaten fresh, preferably while they are still warm from the heat of the oven. That's when they are at their softest and fluffiest, and have those crisp and buttery crusts around the edges. The longer they stay out, though, the more brittle and dry they become, leaving a sandpaper-like crumb in your mouth.

If you plan to save your scones for a few days after they are baked, storing them properly is crucial. To do so, make sure that they have cooled down first — you don't want any lingering warmth to form condensation and soften the exterior. You can then transfer the scones straight into airtight containers. Before you do that though, consider covering them tightly in some cling film first. You could even substitute the plastic wrap with a beeswax wrap instead. The double packing will give the scones an extra layer of protection and prevent them from drying out. 

When stored properly in a cool and dry place away from heat or sunlight, fresh scones will last for a day or two at room temperature. However, there are several styles of scones, like those you'd usually find at tea parties, that can't be stored at room temperature. For instance, if your scones have perishable fillings like cream cheese or custard, or have savory ingredients like these pastrami and cheddar scones, it's a better idea to store them in the refrigerator. 

How to store scones in a fridge or a freezer

Most scones (filled or plain) will stay fresh for a week in the refrigerator. But if you'd like to keep them for even longer, consider freezing the baked goods instead. Frozen scones will last for at least two months this way — possibly even longer if stored well. In fact, the extra step of wrapping scones is even more important in this case, as this will protect them from nasty freezer burn. Wrap each scone individually in some cling film, beeswax, or foil and then transfer them to an airtight container or a zip-top bag before freezing.

When you're ready to eat your scones, let them thaw at room temperature for a few hours. You can then revive the texture by warming them in a preheated oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for a few minutes. When you do so, make sure to cover the dish or the tray that the scones are in with some foil. You only want to warm them, not bake them, so this will prevent the scones from browning or burning. You could even pop them in a microwave and heat them at 15-second intervals. However, if you want that soft and fluffy texture of freshly-baked scones, the oven is the best way to go.