How Long You Can Still Eat Hummus After Opening

Even in its simplest form, the best basic hummus recipe doesn't need to prove itself. Whether you're using this classic Middle Eastern condiment as a dip for chips or incorporating it into a pita sandwich, you'll likely be wowed by its nutty flavor and creamy texture. But when you're new to not just trying, but also purchasing hummus at the grocery store, it can be quite nerve-racking to figure out how long you have to finish it. Sadly, the answer to that question isn't very long.

When stored properly, both store-bought and homemade hummus can last up to a week in the fridge after opening. While that might seem like a short timeframe, keep in mind that hummus is a blend of perishable ingredients such as cooked chickpeas, garlic, and tahini. Most cooked foods only last about four days in the fridge, which means that you actually have more time to finish any leftover hummus by comparison.

Give your opened hummus the best chance by properly storing it

While you might be tempted to just call it a day and toss your open garlic and jalapeño hummus in the fridge, using the proper container will ensure your leftovers retain their quality within the seven days they can be safely used after opening.

Just like any other perishable dishes left at room temperature, you should never store and reuse leftover hummus that has sat out at room temperature for over two hours. Any longer allows dangerous pathogens to grow exponentially in your food, so avoid a trip to the doctor by portioning out how much hummus you'll be using and promptly storing the rest in the refrigerator. You should store these leftovers in a sealable container on the upper racks of your refrigerator, away from any potential spills that could occur and contaminate this dish.

If you're worried that you won't be able to use up all your hummus within a week and simply don't want to throw it out, put any leftovers in a sealed container and pop it into the freezer. Freezing hummus will likely dilute its flavors and mess with its texture, however. So, try to use all of your opened hummus within a week before resorting to this backup plan.

Watch for signs of spoilage in your hummus after opening

Not all hummus is made (or used) the same. Your hummus — depending on the effectiveness of its preservatives, how long it sat out at room temperature, and whether it suffered any cross-contamination during usage — could last less than a week, even if you manage to store it perfectly in your refrigerator. Thankfully, spoiled hummus can exhibit a variety of changes that your senses can help you detect.

Visible mold or obvious discoloration are typically the biggest warning signs that indicate food should be thrown out immediately, but they are not the only signs of spoilage seen in hummus. A sudden, rotten smell or acidic taste can also indicate that hummus has gone bad. Much like peanut butter, however, separation between your hummus and its oil doesn't necessarily signify anything harmful. If you find that your hummus has split, just use a utensil to swirl this condiment back into unison. If it doesn't reincorporate easily, that might be a sign that it's time to toss your hummus.