Marcie Waters

Photo of Marcie Waters
Appleton, WI
University Of Wisconsin-Madison
Wisconsin Dairy, Supper Clubs, Friday Fish Fries
  • Marcie loves baking with seasonal produce, a practice heavily influenced by her regular visits to the Dane County Farmers Market, the largest producers-only market in the U.S.
  • She once won an office-wide soup competition by cooking a tasty minestrone.
  • Marcie loves trying local delicacies when she travels, such as crocodile burgers in Australia or grasshoppers in Mexico.


Marcie began her writing career nine years ago at a marketing agency, where she wrote about everything from building materials to cheese curds. She recently spent more than a year abroad, sampling foods across Asia, Oceania, and Latin America. The experience piqued her interest in food writing. Back stateside, Marcie is glad to be back in her own kitchen (hostel kitchens just don't cut it).


Marcie has a bachelor's degree from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she studied art and communications.
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Stories By Marcie Waters