Eric Ngo

Photo of Eric Ngo
Paris, France
University Of California San Diego, Ferrandi Paris
French Pastry, Baking, Copycat Recipes
  • In 2014, Eric started teaching french pastry classes at La Cuisine Paris. He has since instructed over 10,000 students.
  • His passion for photography at a young age became a perfect match for his skill as a pastry chef which led him to develop recipes for Mashed and Tasting Table in 2020.
  • Since 2017, Eric has been leading food tours in small groups for Context Travel in Paris where he highlights the best chocolates and pastries the city has to offer.


Eric is an expert in making professional-grade recipes at home. Today, Eric works at the culinary school of French gastronomy, Ferrandi Paris, as the head chef for the events department. His missions include leading french culinary courses, masterclasses, recipe development, and food photography.


Eric graduated from the University of California, San Diego with a bachelor's in French literature. After graduating, he moved back to France and worked as an English teaching assistant for a year before attending culinary school at Ferrandi Paris, where he graduated with a CAP (certificat d'aptitude professionel) in french pastry.
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Stories By Eric Ngo