Chris G. Woods

Photo of Chris G. Woods
Rome, Italy
College Of Santa Fe, University Of New Orleans
Comfort Food, Home Cooking, Red Wine
  • From sushi tasting menus in Japan, family cookouts in rural Dominican Republic, and quaint trattorias in Italy, Chris' years living in culinary hotspots around the world has given him a unique appreciation for different flavors and styles of cooking.
  • A local New Orleanian, Chris is passionate about writing food and travel articles centered on the unique flavors and culture of his native city.
  • Though Chris loves fine dining experiences, he feels happiest around a dinner table with friends and family, eating home-cooked meals with simple ingredients.


After studying creative writing in college, Chris worked part time writing content for websites and full time as a server in New Orleans restaurants. His passion for writing continued as he learned more about cuisine, wine, and spirits through his jobs in some of the most established fine-dining restaurants in New Orleans. Waiting tables for five years and then teaching for another five, Chris decided to follow his passions, moving to Rome, Italy and becoming a full time writer.


Chris earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from the College of Santa Fe, majoring in creative writing and minoring in English. He earned his master's degree in the Art of Teaching: English Language Content from the University of New Orleans.
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Stories By Chris G. Woods