Ashley Couto

Photo of Ashley Couto
Vanier College, Concordia University, University Of Toronto
Food History, Baking & Cooking Competitions, Celebrity Chefs & Foodies
  • Ashley has written and spoken about 16th-century Italian dinnerware and feasting culture.
  • She wrote one of the six most-read articles on in April 2023.
  • She's watched every episode of "Top Chef."


Ashley was first paid for her writing in 2005 when she won a poetry competition for her poem "Sewn Shut" about the secrets children tell their stuffed animals and has been making money from her words ever since. In her academic career, she's researched how food and cooking played a role in Arctic colonialism and has an enduring interest in the intersections of food and art and food sovereignty. Ashley has bylines in Insider, Queerty, Entrepreneur, Yahoo!, HuffPost, Thrive Global, and Observer.


Ashley attended Concordia University, where she received a Bachelor of Fine Arts with Distinction in Art History & Film Studies and a Master of Arts in Art History. She also holds a diploma in Communications from Vanier College.
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Stories By Ashley Couto