Where To Look For Bread Crumbs In Your Grocery Store

Whether you're trying to whip up an easy chicken parmesan or make a crunchy topping for baked mac and cheese, having a box of bread crumbs handy is essential. Sure, you can make your own bread crumbs, but reaching for the store-bought version is significantly easier, especially on busy weeknights, or when you decide to make a recipe on the fly that calls for them.

However, finding them at the grocery store can sometimes be challenging. You might find one large section with a wide variety of options, but not all stores have a huge area dedicated to bread crumbs. Also, if you're looking for panko — or an alternative variety like gluten-free bread crumbs — these may be in different aisles than traditional bread crumbs. While some supermarkets, like Wegmans, list the aisle of food items in their online shopping app so you can easily find the items on your list when you get to the store, it's not always that straightforward. So, where should you be looking if you're on the hunt for bread crumbs at the grocery store? Your best bet is to check the baking, bread, and — in some cases — the international foods aisles.

Where to look for traditional bread crumbs

You're likely to find traditional bread crumbs in most grocery stores, whether plain or unseasoned, toasted or untoasted. So, you can enter the store fairly confident that you'll be able to buy your bread crumbs — you just might end up walking around a bit to find them.

You may get lucky and shop at a store where bread crumbs are clearly listed on the sign above the aisle, so try taking a quick scan first. If that doesn't work, head over to the baking aisle. Look around for other products like boxed baking mixes, flour, or cornmeal, and you might find bread crumbs nearby. If you come up empty-handed, don't despair — there are a few other spots to check.

Another logical place for bread crumbs is the bread aisle, naturally. The boxes should stand out against the shelves lined with loaves. If that search proves fruitless, try the aisle where spices are stocked. And, if all else fails, head over to where the pasta is, another possible location where stores may stock bread crumbs.

Where to find panko and alternative bread crumbs

Panko, a popular alternative to traditional bread crumbs, is sold in Japanese-style, either raw, semi-dried, or dried. These may be found on grocery store shelves alongside other bread crumbs, but if not, try hunting for them in an international foods aisle or an aisle dedicated to Asian food, if your store has one.

Some stores also stock gluten-free bread crumbs in either traditional or panko style. Similar to panko, these might be found with the standard varieties, or you may have to search for them in a specialty aisle, this time in the gluten-free section of the store. If you're looking for a gluten-free substitute that is low-carb but isn't derived from a bread alternative, consider tracking down pork panko. These ground pork rinds may be rarer than the others, but look for them in bags or jars in any of the places where you might find traditional types, or in a section dedicated to low-carb products.

Regardless of which type of bread crumbs you've procured, once you get them home, be sure to store them properly. Keep the package in a cool and dry place, and once opened, in an airtight container. A package of bread crumbs can last a while when properly stored — and that will keep you from having to go on a hunt again anytime soon.