Baked Potatoes Are Unexpectedly Great For Hydration

Feeling a bit parched? A couple long swigs of water can definitely help, and you could also turn to a wide variety of foods to effortlessly boost hydration, including fruits like tomatoes, strawberries, and watermelon, plus vegetables including celery, asparagus, and lettuce. Even soups and broths can be a good source of water — which is essential to help the body with a number of important functions, from moderating body temperature and shielding organs to lubricating joints and ridding waste, per WebMD.

Because we lose a lot of water content in our bodies through everyday activities like sweating at the gym, or even just breathing, it's important to replenish fluids. But, when it comes to staying hydrated, there's another thirst-quenching savior you may have not considered: baked potatoes.

Nice and crispy on the outside and warm and fluffy on the inside, now there's another reason to enjoy this comfort food. The brown, starchy spuds come fully loaded with water — even after they've been baked to golden perfection and slathered in butter, cheddar cheese, chives, and your favorite seasonings.

The incredible water content of baked potatoes

There's a lot more aqua in tasty baked potatoes than you might realize. With the skin included, they're more than three-quarters full of water, which amounts to about 4.5 ounces — a little over a half-cup — per medium baked potato. To put this figure into perspective, the average juicy orange features a little less than a half-cup.

Of course, baking a potato reduces its overall moisture level, but not by very much. In its rawest form, it contains 79% water, according to a study published in the National Library of Medicine. The liquid content of potatoes after being heated isn't that far behind: Boiled potatoes come in at 77%, baked potatoes at 75%, microwaved potatoes at 72%, and fried potatoes at 39%. Even potato chips contain water, albeit not that much. The thinly sliced snacks typically only feature 3% or less, although they're certainly not lacking in the oil department. 

But, oven-cooked spuds aren't just good for their hydrating qualities — they're extremely nutritious, too.

Baked potatoes are packed with micronutrients

As if you needed any more reason to make a perfect baked potato, they're also packed with important micronutrients. As opposed to macronutrients like carbohydrates, fats, and proteins — which the body needs in larger quantities — micronutrients are those that are required in smaller amounts, such as vitamins and minerals.

A medium potato, skin included, features 27 milligrams of vitamin C — about 30% of the recommended daily value. It also contains 620 milligrams of potassium, 15% of the daily value, and 0.2 milligrams of vitamin B6, which accounts for 10% of recommended amounts. However, the root vegetable isn't entirely without macronutrients, either. A single potato contains 3 grams of protein and 26 grams of carbohydrates, the latter of which amounts to 9% of the daily value.

So, whether you prefer to drink your water or eat it, there's no denying that baked potatoes are equal parts hydrating and nourishing — set your ovens to preheat and dig in!