Why It's A Smart Move To Drink Water First Thing In The Morning

The common equation for how much water you need to stay hydrated is to calculate half of your body weight in pounds, and then you translate that into ounces (per U.S. News). For instance, a 150-pound person should consume at least 75 ounces of water in a day. Drinking that much water may seem like a tough task, but starting first thing in the morning may help.

First, starting the day with a glass of water can help you prevent dehydration rather than having to cure it later in the day — especially since you've gone roughly eight hours without anything to drink. Also, because dehydration can cause issues with concentration and fatigue, sipping on some H2O at the start of the day might help you to beat that morning brain fog.

Starting the day with a tall glass of water is also an easy way to start a water-drinking routine. After all, establishing a healthy habit with contextual cues (ie, waking up in the morning) is a fantastic way to get the ball rolling with your water consumption. Once that habit is established, The British Journal of General Practice notes in a study about making health habitual, it not only becomes second nature, but you may feel strange when you don't get that glass of water first thing.

Why it's important to stay hydrated

Quite simply, water is necessary for your body to function as it should. While the most obvious symptom of dehydration may be thirst, you may also notice a decline in cognitive function from attention and memory to critical thinking skills.

Staying hydrated is important for other systems in your body as well. Water helps with digestion, prevents constipation, and flushes bacteria out of the body. It's also necessary for body temperature regulation and the normalization of blood pressure. Additionally, water is crucial for transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells and protecting organs.

If that isn't enough evidence to support staying hydrated, consider that OnePoll's survey on behalf of Bosch concluded that drinking more water may have a link to improved mood. Of the 2,000 survey respondents who reported that they drank six or more glasses a day, 41% "strongly agreed" with the statement that they were "very happy." Comparatively, only 12% of those that drank less than a glass per day "strongly agreed."

Tips to help you meet your hydration goals

Starting your morning off by sipping some water is a great habit to start if you find it challenging to work in enough water throughout the day. However, there are some other easy strategies that you can use to incorporate more water breaks into your day.

First, try using ice to chill your water. The survey conducted by OnePoll revealed that 56% of Americans will only drink cold water and that 53% will drink less if ice is not available. If you're among them, you may find it helpful to keep your water in the refrigerator or in an insulated cup to keep it cold. Having a water bottle handy can be helpful for staying hydrated, too. Using a reusable water bottle means that you always have water on hand. Plus, you can fill it with whatever you enjoy, from plain water or seltzer to cucumber or lemon-infused varieties.

Also, look to food to help you meet your water goals, too. Fruit and veggies can be an excellent source of water. One cup of watermelon has five ounces of water in it, and a medium apple has five and a half ounces. Other foods with a decent amount of water in them include potatoes, yogurt, kidney beans, tuna, and even cooked rice. And, don't sleep on drinking a tall glass of milk – both skim and whole milk are surprisingly hydrating, maybe even more than water.