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Calamarata! How Many Of These Pasta Shapes Do You Know?

Chances are, you know Food Republic's passion for food infographics very well. Our global hot dog graphic alone is worth its weight in...well, hot dogs. Author Laura Rowe compiled a whole book of creativity-stimulating illustrations to school you on a variety of topics. Freshen up your food knowledge with Taste, and impress your dining companions. How many of these pasta shapes do you know? Calamarata, anyone? 

Pasta can be cooked from fresh (often a combination of 00 flour and eggs) or dried (most often simply durum flour and water) but should always be served "al dente," literally translated as "to the tooth." The key to cooking pasta is to add your chosen type to a big pan of boiling water — 1 liter per 100 grams of pasta is the general consensus — with a generous pinch of salt.

Reprinted with permission from Taste: The Infographic Book of Food