Watch This Short Film About Tejuino, Mexico's Fermented Corn Drink

Earlier this year, legendary food writer Betty Fussell traveled to Guadalajara, Mexico, to research a story for the premiere issue of Cured magazine, accompanied by a video crew. "I stepped off the plane thirsty, with music in my heart, eager to find a tejuino maker," Fussell writes in "On the Trail of Tejuino" (available exclusively in Cured). She sees a sign that advertises authentic tejuino "since 1945," and soon meets Juan Miguel Gonzales Cardenes, who learned how to ferment corn flour into this low-ABV beverage from his grandfather, Juan Gonzales Gonzales. Here, in this short film, Cardenes lets the crew into his kitchen and explains the technique.

Making Tejuino in Guadalajara, Mexico from Cured Magazine on Vimeo.