Europeans Use Alien-Like Kombucha For Space Exploration
Mankind has taken a bunch of steps and leaps since the moon landing. Now it's kombucha's turn.
According to Munchies, the European Space Agency has conducted a study that involves sticking blobfish-like slabs of slimy colonies of yeast and bacteria called SCOBY on the side of the International Space Station to discover two things: whether there are living bacteria floating around in outer space and how long organisms can survive in the extraterrestrial without any protection. So no, they're not looking for the big scary ones birthed from the mind of Ridley Scott — just the microorganisms, if any exist.
The bacteria and yeast blobs are the catalyst in fermenting black tea, also known as kombucha. Scientists discovered that the SCOBY's surface, which is composed of billions of organisms, could be tough enough to handle the harsh conditions of outer space. The scientists are also hoping that traveling at 17,500 miles per hour, a speed Munchies calls "modest," the SCOBY will be able to collect and absorb any signs that we're not alone.
The SCOBY's return and subsequent analysis is slated for next year, which happens to be perfect timing for the return of Mulder and SCOBY Scully. Coincidence? We think not. The truth is out there. Godspeed, you brave kombucha.