The Classic Old-Fashioned, Made Two Ways

Traditional Old-Fashioned

2 ounces Elijah Craig Bourbon

1 cube sugar

Licorice Cocktail

2 ounces seaweed-infused Compass Box Great King St. "Artist's Blend" Whisky

1 teaspoon licorice syrup

3 dashes Brooklyn Hemispherical Black Mission Fig Bitters


  1. Infuse Great King St. whisky with Kombu and Nori seaweed for two hours.
  2. In a chilled rocks glass, combine infused whisky, licorice syrup and bitters.
  3. Add an ice ball and stir lightly for five to ten seconds. No garnish.

Prep time: 2 minutes (not including infusion)

Difficulty: Moderate

Try out these cocktails made two ways on Food Republic: