Chemists Invent Device To Unboil Eggs

Great news: Scientists have figured out a way to unboil eggs.

Unfortunately for cooks, what sounds like a useful way to fix kitchen catastrophes actually has very little to do with the egg itself. Instead, the implications are far more substantial: The discovery is a scientific breakthrough concerning the process of liquefying proteins (like egg whites) that were once solid and considered permanently scrambled — so they can be reused instead of wasted.

It might seem convoluted to those not well-versed in the nuances of insoluble and misfolded proteins, but the chemists from Australia and UC Irvine who developed the system say the ability to recycle these proteins quickly and easily has the potential to "reduce costs for cancer treatments, food production and other parts of the $160 billion global biotechnology industry."

Apparently, it's a great leap forward for a variety of industrial and research applications. We think it would also be pretty cool if the technology could be used in kitchens as well. Overcooked eggs are so obnoxious.

Read more about eggs and science on Food Republic: