7 Ways Concrete Rocks Hard In Home Design
For those who spend our days in the concrete jungle, the notion of filling one's habitat with rock-based material might perplex. Take one glance below, however, and see how concrete's looking far from basic these days. With other lighter materials serving as muses of sorts, designers have been channeling those characteristics with cement to cast and create detailed and attractive products that practically defy their actual weight. As a bonus, concrete is naturally cool to the touch, making it the perfect choice for a tabletop salt cellar. Check out some solid design finds.
1. Weight vases by Decha Archjananum ($150-$270 at Luminaire)
2. 4th Dimension concrete clock ($240 at MollaSpace)
3. Hexagon coasters, set of four ($32 at Culinarium)
4. and 5. Concrete serving trays and bowls by Vido Nori (coming soon)
6. Pineapple fruit planter by Chen Chen & Kai Williams ($44 at L'ArcoBaleno)
7. Grey and white modular salt and spice cellar ($54 at Culinarium)
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