New Recipes This Week: Cachaça Grilled Chicken, Provoleta, Rice Noodle Salad
Who's in the mood for a picnic? Pack up a bag of spicy General Tso fried chicken, some rice noodle salad and a tray of savory baklava and hit the park.
If you're grilling light, we have chicken and fish recipes you're going to love, provided you haven't finished all the cachaça during your epic World Cup celebrations. If you think you like that sweet spirit, wait til you see how much poultry does. Okra's in season, so toss that in the deep-fryer. Hey, we grilled a whole fish, which is very healthy. We'll take a little fried okra and maybe one or two White Russians made with homemade Kahlua as a treat. Enjoy this week's new recipes!