Video: Molson's Ethnocentric Beer Fridge Returns With A Musical Challenge
They've done it again! From the nice folks who brought you the world-traveling beer fridge that only opens when you scan a Canadian passport, meet: the world-traveling beer fridge that only opens if you sing "O Canada." The whole thing, without messing up. Or no Molson for you.
Now for a country who can barely get through its own anthem, we're pretty much eliminated from this challenge (shucks). But can Canada's own mighty citizens belt out it out in a way that pleases the Molson monster enough to spit out a cool, frosty Canada Day reward instead of a cold, harsh, buzzing "WRONG?" Let's find out.
Excuse me while I wipe this tear then go find a Canadian to marry. I mean, they invented poutine for crying out loud. What have we done lately?
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