DJ Neil Armstrong, On Tour In Asia, Is Taking Over Our Instagram Account
Check it! DJ Neil Armstrong is going to be contributing to the collection of food porn otherwise known as our Instagram account while he tours and eats his way through Asia.
So how did this happen? Armstrong and FR Editorial Director Richard Martin recently dined at NYC hot spot Charlie Bird, when the DJ whipped out his phone to snap some shots of his food. When talk turned to Armstrong's upcoming tour of Asian culinary capitals like Seoul, Kyoto and Shanghai, Martin invited the soulful DJ to join up as an Instagram Takeover contributor. Of course, this is the site that brings you the annual DJ Week, and Armstrong is the DJ behind the food blog Pommes Des Garçons, so it all makes perfect sense.
Make sure to follow him at @djneilarmstrong and look out for #DJNeilArmstrongxFR and #FRTakeover hashtags to see what's going down in the days to follow.
And check out one of his songs right here:
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