16 One-Bite Appetizers That Are Not For Wussies
With holiday parties taking over the calendar for the next three week, let us observe that we are smack dab in the middle of one-bite appetizer season. We're talking about the kind of apps (called canapés to some) that you find piled near the punch bowl or lined up nicely on a passed tray held by white gloves.
But here's the thing about appetizers: they oftentimes don't fill you up. And when you're drinking at these parties, you need to get filled up or it's lights out. Take our advice if you are planning a party, or are in an appetizer mood, and try one of these recipes. They've got some meat on their bones. And in the cases where they are meat-free, they have some [insert non-meat substitute] on their bones. And a note about the one-bite thing. Some of these might take 2 or 3 bites. Or one bite if you are really hungry. But you get the point.