Video: By Now, You've Heard Of Dinner Lab. Here's A Behind-The-Scenes Look.
It's no secret that diners love the idea of a unique concept. That may explain why a yearly membership to Dinner Lab has become a coveted thing in the culinary world. The supper club (of sorts) showcases the cooking of the non-executive chefs of established restaurants through frequent events, each held at a different, often unexpected location. While memberships to attend events in Austin, Nashville and New Orleans are still available, the ones for New York City sold out in mere hours, leaving hundreds of individuals on a seemingly never-ending waitlist. As of this moment, annual memberships — which go for up to $175 and allow access to purchase tickets to the individual dinners — are also still available for the Lab's soon-to-open branches in Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, Miami, Washington DC and Atlanta. Take our word for it and act quickly.
Courtesy of a friend who is a member, we were lucky enough to snag a seat at the inaugural New York City event a couple of weeks ago (you can read our full recap here). The New Yorker was on hand to record just how a small staff converted a mall food court to a dining venue for more than 200 individuals in a matter of hours. Take a look below.
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