Out Now: Immaculate Infatuation Guide To Killing It This Summer
Trust the guys from Immaculate Infatuation when it comes to staying occupied and full in New York City. Time to get your hands their second annual Immaculate Infatuation Guide To Killing It This Summer, complete with hot weather eating and drinking, where to wander when you're not doing either, and how to get to the next great eating experience from where you've been wandering.
$2.99 buys you all the invaluable insider tips you're going to love to showing off, even bigger and better than last year's. They said so themselves:
"This time around we took a whole lot more photos, included twice the amount of bars and restaurants, and ultimately ended up with 78 pages of god damned literature, fully optimized for the iPad and all its multi-touch, multimedia glory."
Is that the sound of Lonely Planet cowering in uncool shame?
You shouldn't need a guide to killing it, but in case you do, you're covered. Obtain barbecue, occupy rooftop and hold your cocktail glass by the stem to ensure that the contents don't warm up too quickly.
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