What Is The Best Way To Eat A Chicken Wing, Pat "Deep Dish" Bertoletti?

It's down to the wire: you have a LOT of wings to eat this Sunday and you've been looking forward to it for weeks. It's time to learn a party trick — actually, an impressive series of party tricks from our dude Patrick "Deep Dish" Bertoletti, #2 world-ranked competitive eater. If he can take down 53 HDBs in 10 minutes (that would be hot dogs and buns, and he can), watch him strip a wing of its precious meat like someone who knows what he's doing. As in, four pounds in eight minutes.

Master Deep Dish's techniques for eating the wing and drum portions most efficiently — considering both speed and effectiveness — and come Sunday, you'll be ready to challenge anyone to a wing-off and take home the gold medal of bragging rights. And heed his advice for the aftermath: Pepto is your friend. Follow Bertoletti on Twitter @deepdisheats for more knowledge.

More wings just in time for the Big Game: