8 Instances Of Bibimbap Porn To Help You Decide What To Eat For Lunch
Okay Asia, we get it, your food photographs beautifully. In my quest to find the hottest food porn, I find myself in that part of the world again and again. Look:
I feel it's time to give bibimbap its day. Here's 10 prime examples of why you should track it down for lunch. Some examples are in its organized state, some undergo various levels of amalgamation as is customary.
Now if you'll indulge me my Stefon impression:
This dish has EVERYTHING. Cabbage that's been rotting in a puddle of chili juice and fermented shrimp water, rice hand-picked from a paddy Kim Jong Il thought about once, banchan — who is an old lady who takes flash photos of you eating until you have a seizure, an egg from a trained dancing chicken fried in the Gagnam style aaand chili paste. Man, I love Bill Hader. Almost as much as I love Korean food. And Friday food porn galleries.