Brooklyn Brewery Gets Purrrsonal With Lil Bub (And Her Dude)

Since taking over a matzo factory in 1996, Brooklyn Brewery has become a Williamsburg institution. While the brewery itself is a destination for beer lovers worldwide, last week it had purrrhaps its hairiest visitor yet. Sorry. Enter Lil Bub. She's famous for being awesome. With over 72,000 likes on Facebook, she's the most famous cat on the Internet. Her website,, features Q&A gems like this:

Q: Bub, what is your favorite thing to do and what music do you like to listen to while doing your favorite thing to do?"

A: My favorite thing to do is listen to Tom Sawyer on repeat while listening to other less popular Rush songs in the background.

But Lil Bub's visit wasn't all diamonds and purrrls. Damn, there I go again. She also came to pay her respects to Monster, the brewery's recently departed tabby cat (named after their "Monster" barleywine). Things surely haven't been the same since July when Monster went to kitty heaven, but it must have been a treat to have Lil Bub for a day (and presumably to see her stare down Brooklyn Brewmaster Garrett Oliver in a whisker-off).

Brooklyn Brewery has the scoop on their blog, complete with plenty of pictures of Bub generally feline fine. Ugh, stop. We can confirm that Bub's visit was real and not just the victim of the latest boozecat attack. If you're like us and just cat get enough Lil Bub, there's good meows for you. I'm almost done; see, this is why we don't write about cats. Vice is shooting a documentary on Lil Bub (and her dude, who has a killer Lil Bub tattoo). We'll drink during that!

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