Have You Ever Seen An Electric Orange?
Bioluminescence refers to light emitted by living organisms such as fireflies and underwarter creatures, but it might also apply to Caleb Charland's non-Photoshopped photography of glowing fruits.
For the past few years Charland, a Portland, Maine photographer, has been experimenting with the visual outcomes of attaching copper wires to fruits and LEDs, and capturing them with large-format cameras. As futuristic as the shots may seem, they're actually simple in concept and procedure (think of those potato-powered clocks you probably made in middle-school science class with not much more than a few wires). It's the setup and the execution of the actual photography that requires the most time and skill.
In the case of this shot of an energy-producing orange, Charland carefully tucked a wired LED within the wedges of the fruit, which were fixed upright with individual wooden skewers. The exposure time took 14 hours, resulting in awe-inspiring, unenhanced image (again, no Photoshop!) that's both artful and compelling. Think of this radiant orange as "green" energy in its most magical state.
- Marvel Studios