Our 8 Favorite Instagram Photos This Week
Welcome to this week's Instagram roundup: "look what we found!" edition. Most of the photos we loved this week involved a shocking discovery, like a brand-new condiment, anatomically unfortunate tuber or entirely new method of serving doughnut holes. But Brooklyn Brewery's crazy awesome-looking burger was just too good to pass up.
Don't forget to follow us @foodrepublic and tag us if you see or eat something awesome. These are things we check compulsively.
So Srirachup is happening here at FR headquarters.[/caption]
Farm burger @Blackberryfrm #stoddisaluckyguy #foodspotting @brooklynbrewery [/caption]
Potato butt.[/caption]
Donut ring with dipping sauce squeeze its @katieinnyc [/caption]
Last bag of HogBites #PorkCrackling from #Scotland @mylastbite [/caption]
This just hit our inbox #fymw @capsuleshow [/caption]
Good morning, #subway #poem! @xojanedotcom [/caption]