Help Us Design The Can For The New Mountain Dew Malt
You may have heard that Mountain Dew is launching a new "malt" flavor in select markets around America. You may have thought that the malt flavor profile was only for beer and second-rate ice cream drinks? So did we! But after some research, we've found out that malta is pretty big around the world, and the smart people at Pepsi Co. decided to give it a try in test markets across the Midwest (it started hitting the shelves of Kroger last month) and 7-Eleven stores in places Denver and Charlotte.
The new product is called Johnson City Gold and tastes nothing like the yellow soda you last drank in high school or during your last Taco Bell visit. Yo people, Code Orange pairs mighty well with your SLBs (that's a Seven Layer Burrito for those who haven't enjoyed a fourthmeal lately).
So you might be asking, how do we know what this new product tastes like? We don't live in Denver or Charlotte or select cities in the Midwest. Well, by the magic of the United Parcel Service, we were shipped two cans to try. And by try, we mean open a metal box from the Container Store revealing a rainbow of Sharpie markers, a blank label emblazoned with a small Mountain Dew logo and two prototype cans of the stuff. That's right, Mountain Dew wants Food Republic to design their new label for Johnson City Gold. (Don't tell Eli Sussman that we're doing a brand's creative work for them).
So what should we draw? We have artists waiting in the wings to execute a vision. But we need that vision! Let us know on Twitter: @foodrepublic
And if you don't want to help us but want to participate anyway, you can find out more on this Mountain Dew site.
And btw, the stuff tastes sort of like a sugar-charged version of O'Douls. Some of us really liked it. Different. Malty.
Help us out!