Yahoo! Shine Says: It's Summer, Let's All Not Cook!

Just because summer conjurs visions of farmers markets bursting at the seams with squash and tomatoes doesn't mean you have to fire up the stove to enjoy your bounty. Some of our favorite recipes of the season are the ones that involve sticking your head in the fridge or freezer as long as possible (now where are those capers?).

Seasonal summer no-cook recipes are great to know, are usually a lot simpler since you won't be burning any garlic while you're still chopping carrots, and are frequently veggie-friendly know, meat needs cooking.

Check out Yahoo! Shine's Supper Club, where readers are submitting their favorite no-cook recipes. Love Pinterest? They do that, too, or you can tag them in your photo on the ever-popular Twitter, at @yahooshine, with hashtag #shinesupperclub. Most of all, stay cool, try to think outside the salad and don't go near that oven. It's hot.