Video: Is 'Pass Me A Beer' The New Icing?

Okay guys, I move that after the next Test Kitchen, after everything's cooked and shot and we've scoured the place sparkling, we start doing this. I've jumped on a lot of drinking fads in the five years I've been legally imbibing (and potentially more before that), but this one isn't stupid (like icing).

Icings of 2010, for nostalgia's sake: leaving one with my doorman, mailing me one in bubble wrap from California and requiring a video receipt, hiding one between the couch cushions then asking me where the remote is, and my personal favorite, "here, hold this real quick?" No, Funny or Die's "Pass Me A Beer" involves no douchebaggery, sneaky Pete-ism or kneel-chugging gross warm malt beverage whatsoever. It's much friendlier, like beer parkour. Observe.

Now break out the trampoline, slingshot (bras work fine), T-shirt cannon, tetherball pole or any other potential means of launching a can and get to work. It won't be prime beer-in-a-can season forever. Although the winter version of the sport definitely holds promise.

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