Food Pairs With Design At Berlin's Taste Festival

Food events may be as common as rock fests these days, but Berlin's upcoming "Taste" festival strikes a unique tone for its marriage of food, ingredients and the culture of dining, with graphic design, illustration, performance art and even architecture.

The 10-day smorgasbord, modeled after the design-focused fairs of Milan and Miami, will feature exhibitions, workshops, tastings and dining events that bring players on the food scene — chefs and food stylists, most notably — together with artists and designers, including the US-based firm StudioGrom and Lauren Coleman (best known for her terrariums produced under the label Litill).

Capitalizing on the growing fusion between gastronomy and its aesthetics, "Taste" definitely looks like Mecca for foodie-slash-design nerds. Meanwhile, hungry visitors who are less professionally inclined can geek out over the mini market installed along the river to stock up on new food products.

"Taste" runs from June 1 – 10. For more information, visit the event's website.

An edible study in color.

Katharina Mischer and Thomas Traxler of the Viennese design studio Mischer Traxler look to the natural colors and shapes of their ingredients and raw materials when crafting their furniture and small design pieces.

"Reversed volume" bowls by Mischer Traxler feature food-shaped interiors.

Maarten Baptist's "Magic Drip" apparatus, a bizarre and innovative way to steadily enhance a dish throughout the meal.