Sushi Go-Round

Ever been to a kaiten-zushi place? It's a type of revolutionary sushi restaurant that replaced waiters with machines years before the much-anticipated "robot takeover." In lieu of a real live Japanese person ferrying you spicy tuna rolls and eel nigiri, indulge your inner 5-year-old and sit at the bar, where sushi comes at you like so many Matchbox cars. Your bill is tallied by the number and color or shape of plates you've racked up. There's a reason we turn to Japan for staggering feats of engineering. The game-changing invention of revolving sushi is one of them.

Sushi-go-round spots range from a simple conveyer belt revolving around the chefs' stations carrying individual servings of nigiri sushi, rolls and small appetizers, to more elaborate waterways or train tracks dispatching wooden boats and freight cars of composed sushi entrees. Did sushi just get more fun than a chopstick splinter? Haven't you always loved things that go around and around? Don't you wish every time you saw something that struck your fancy coming your way you could just reach out and grab it? Kaiten-zushi just might be your dining-out jackpot. Take a lunch break, find your neighborhood's friendly sushi-go-round, and stack those plates high.