Wake-Up Call: Rise Or Snooze?


Can grapes get any better? On hot hot hot days like these, eating frozen grapes is one of the best ways to cool off. Drinking cool wines with dinner helps you get through the night. And now comes news that a grape seed component may prevent the development of Alzheimer's Disease. Mount Sinai School of Medicine researchers, working with a University of Minnesota team, found that the seeds — which are already available in nutritional supplements — may help prevent or slow the advance of the disease. As if that's not enough, French researchers are running tests that aim to show that red wine could help astronauts overcome some of the negative effects of weightlessness. Hug a grape today.


Big forks help weight loss, or so says a study out of the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. Actually, we find this study so ridiculous — it involves scientists monitoring diners in an Italian restaurant — that we're just going to come out and say it: There are better ways to lose weight than to use giant utensils. Try exercise and eating in moderation.