Gallery: 10 Classic Sweet Movie Scenes
As the meal winds downs, the sweet tooth calls out for something to quench its unfulfilled desire. Conversation loosens a bit, ranging from debates over video games like Mortal Kombat and Donkey Kong to stories about the last time everybody said "jabroni." Other times a dessert can come right in the middle of the day with no first or second course needed to warm up the taste buds. In cinema, dessert can be so exaggerated, so fantastic, so mystical that even if you're a "skip dessert and go back to the fridge an hour or so later for savory leftovers" guy (as I am) you still have to sit back and quote Tina Fey: "I want to go to there."
- Dessert, in one form or another, should be the central theme of the scene. The food item in question should qualify as a possible dessert. If it's not physically there, then it should be Billy Crystal who is the one referencing it.
- Movies, people. Please don't bring up Homer Simpson's donut affairs.
- In no way can I allow myself to put the Butterscotch Sundae scene from Royal Tenenbaums in the countdown. It's vague, it's forgettable, and just because I love Wes Anderson doesn't mean I can force that on the readers. Restrain.