Macy's Chefs A-Go-Go Hit The Road
Macy's Culinary Council, a team of all-star chefs dedicated to fostering American home cooks' love of the kitchen, has launched its first food truck tour, rolling into a city near you.
Starting tomorrow, Tuesday June 28, in Miami, food enthusiasts can celebrate summer with chefs like Todd English, Marc Forgione, Rick Bayless, Michelle Bernstein and Food Republic co-founder Marcus Samuelsson and experience each one's favorite hot weather fare — dished up gratis — at each stop. Care to try Emeril Lagasse's homemade ice cream? Pit chef against chef to see whose burger reigns supreme?
The Chef's A-Go-Go truck stops in Miami, New York, Boston, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco and Los Angeles. Follow the hashtag #macyschefs on Twitter for more details and although the food's free, drop a few bucks in the jar for Feeding America, the nation's leading hunger-relief charity.