How To Store Green Onions To Last Longer In The Fridge

Green onions are versatile kitchen essentials, useful both as ingredients and as garnishes. However, their long stalks can be cumbersome to store in the refrigerator. It's frustrating to buy a fresh bundle of scallions (yes, they're the same thing) only to find them wilted and dry in your produce drawer. Fortunately, keeping them fresh for over a week is simple and requires just a bit of water, a plastic bag, and either a paper towel or a glass jar.

There are two primary ways to store green onions in the fridge. First, make sure to remove the rubber band with which they came wrapped and rinse them thoroughly. After patting them completely dry, you have two options. One option is to cut off the roots at the bottom, chop the remaining stalks in half, and wrap them in a paper towel. Make sure the cut areas are completely covered but not squashed. Place this bundle inside a small plastic bag and store it in your refrigerator. Be careful not to store anything on top of them. Once a week, unwrap your scallions and wipe off any excess moisture they may have generated during storage.

Alternatively, you can submerge the roots in a glass jar filled with cold water — about an inch should suffice — as if arranging a bouquet of flowers. Place the jar inside a plastic bag with the opening facing upward. In this method, the stalks can remain intact; just make sure to change the water daily.

Keep your green onions hydrated but not soaked

Green onions need hydration to remain fresh, but be cautious about how much water you give them. Excessive moisture can make the scallions slimy and rotten. If you're using the glass jar method, fill it just enough to cover the roots without submerging the entire onion. Aim to change the water every day or two to keep it clean. If your green onions are especially thirsty, you may need to add fresh water rather than merely replacing the old water. If you're using the paper towel method, experiment to find the moisture level that works best for you. Some people recommend storing the scallions in a dry paper towel, while others suggest spritzing the towel with water. Keep a close eye on the green onions to ensure they don't become too soggy.

When you're ready to use the green onions, you can cut off the tops while leaving the roots to continue growing. With enough care and attention, you may find that you don't even need to buy new ones; simply watering your existing batch could be sufficient for regrowth. If you'd like, you can even set the jar on a windowsill without using a plastic bag, allowing the sun to help them grow. Green onions can last between two to three weeks with proper maintenance, and if you're extra diligent about taking care of your herbs, you can stretch that time out even longer.