This Japanese Shop Makes Watermelon Bagels For Some Reason
Sometimes Asian takes on "foreign" food go very right: take Taiwanese Large Fried Chicken, for instance. There's nothing wrong with that. Then there's Japan's Bagel & Bagel, whose regular bagels sound terrible and seasonal bagels sound worse. Their new treat, the watermelon bagel, is colored and flavored with watermelon juice and studded with chocolate chip "seeds."
Is this revenge for us putting cream cheese in sushi rolls? Or selling sushi rolls in gas stations? Or drizzling sriracha mayo all over sushi rolls? Or embedding our president's face into sushi rolls? Or for me specifically claiming that bacon maki is next to godliness? Because I'll take mine back if they do (but they have to go first).
Host Noah Galuten of YouTube's Tasted says it best: "Bagel & Bagel's not so great at making bagels. Or bagels for that matter."
Outraged at the ridiculous excess of it all? Don't be. Guy Fieri's American Kitchen and Bar (located in scenic Times Square) serves sashimi tacos with mango salsa. Maybe we should all be ashamed of ourselves.
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