Ruth Clark

Photo of Ruth Clark
Hartford, CT
University Of Connecticut
Sourdough Bread Baking, International Cuisine, Slow Cooker Recipes
  • Ruth backpacked solo around Southeast Asia in 2018 and fell in love with Asian cuisine.
  • Like so many others, she fell in love with sourdough baking during the COVID-19 pandemic and now enjoys baking bread regularly.
  • Once vegetarian, Ruth now enjoys (almost) all foods.


Ruth has worked as a freelance writer for almost a decade, writing for outlets such as Science Connected, HelloGiggles, Women's Agenda, and Modern Trekker. Growing up watching her mom cook family meals every day, she enjoys experimenting with new ingredients and trying bold recipes. Although if she could just eat freshly baked bread every day, she totally would.


Ruth graduated from the University of Connecticut with a bachelor's degree in English, and she later returned to the same university for her Master of Social Work degree.
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Stories By Ruth Clark