The Nutritious Reason To Serve Egg Salad Inside An Avocado

Glance over the menu of any cafe or restaurant serving brunch and there is a good chance you are going to find some kind of avocado toast with the option to add an egg or two, but have you ever tried egg salad inside an avocado? Eggs and avocados make a naturally perfect pair, and it is not just that they both have a similar oval shape. Each ingredient individually offers a pleasant flavor and smooth texture all its own that is enhanced when enjoyed together. While avocados are packed with healthy fats, fiber, vitamins, and minerals such as folate, potassium, magnesium, and vitamins E, K, and C – eggs are full of protein, selenium, and vitamins B2, B5, and B12.

Put the two together, and they create a nutrient-dense, delicious dish for any time of the day. There are countless ways to combine eggs and avocados, but for a satisfying and highly nutritious meal that highlights their crave-worthy creamy consistency, skip your typical toast and opt for egg salad atop an avocado instead. 

Making an eggs-traordinary meal with avocado

To start, use a basic egg salad recipe (or branch out and try a nice Polish egg salad to shake things up) to prepare the filling, adjusting the portion size to serve yourself or a larger group. Think about adding a nice pop of texture with some sliced pickle, celery, radish, or even some diced bell pepper to balance out the soft egg and avocado. Egg salad can be safely stored for up to four days in the refrigerator, so feel free to make extra if you would like to have leftovers for future meals or make this in advance of a gathering. Once the egg salad is ready, prepare your avocado. Carefully cut the avocado in half and remove the pit. Spoon a heaping tablespoon or two of egg salad into the hollow center of the avocado.

Season the egg salad and avocado with salt, pepper, and other spices or sauces according to your personal preference. A sprinkle of red pepper flakes or a drizzle of hot sauce adds a nice kick of heat that pairs well with creamy salad and avocado. Served for breakfast, this recipe will keep you feeling satiated all morning long, but it is also a great option for a nutritious dinner.