Beer Is Now Being Brewed With Yeast. Bug Yeast.
On the next episode of Bizarre Foods America, Andrew Zimmern will be sampling beer brewed with yeast of a bug at North Carolina State University.
Just kidding. But the beer is real. Researchers at NC State have "isolated" yeasts from wasps and bumblebees to brew some "very sour," non-vegan beers, according to The News & Observer. The wasp beer was first released in 2014 at a beer festival, and Bumblebeer became the team's sophomore brew.
Raleigh Brewing Company head brewer Alex Smith (not to be confused with the football player) tells The News & Observer that the researchers are on the right track and hints at market success. "There's definitely a market for new yeast and especially these kinds of indigenous strains," he says.
New yeast, sure. But wasp and bumblebee yeast? It certainly gives a new meaning to getting buzzed (that was a layup). As far as new developments in the beer world, and we've dealt with some interesting ones lately concerning yoga collaborations and a little book of poetry, bug-yeast beer just might take the cake for the weirdest.