Break Out The Meat Glue: It's Turducken Time! Ed Cotton Shows Us How It's Done.

Anointed with a rich turducken gravy made from the bones of all three birds, the end result is quite nice. And after witnessing this seasonal spectacle for myself, I feel properly, well, thankful. But, I have to say that given my woeful knife skills, it's not something I'll be trying at home any time soon.
As I dig into the turducken, I am trying to recall where I'd last seen an electric knife. And then I remember: it was one of the shawarma parlors in Kew Gardens Hills, Queens, where they shave slices. And that makes me think of one of my favorite shawarma spots, which adds turkey to its lamb shawarma.
Now that I've partaken of the turducken, I want to push the culinary envelope. All I've got to do is find some chef friends to cook me a shawarturduckhen. I'd do a popup in one of my favorite shawarma parlors, but I'm pretty sure meat glue isn't kosher.
Queens-based food writer and culinary tour guide Joe DiStefano is the founder of
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