Interview: DJ Skeet Skeet Of Dishlicker
Trevor McFedries, better known as Skeet Skeet, is an internationally acclaimed Los Angeles-based DJ and producer with Photo Finish Records on tour with that girl who loves wearing food as a dress (no, not Gaga). It's Katy Perry! Equal to his love of music is a passion for food that evolved from snapping phone shots of burgers for Facebook to a full-fledged website for his famous foodie friends.
What's your favorite food city to visit while on tour? Anywhere we should be stopping?
I could take it easy and name places like New York, but there's some hidden gems out there so I'll go with Vancouver. It's is great because it does quick meals really well, and when I'm touring I'm in a place for 24-48 hours, so I don't necessarily have time for a 4-hour dining experience.
Some of my favorite spots:
Meat & Bread – The Porchetta is incredible, but the meatball is well worth the trip as well. -
Japadog – These are all over the city and make for a really nice pit stop meal. All kinds of crazy flavors and textures. -
Hapa Izakaya – Vancouver has my favorite japanese of any place except Japan. Go omakase and don't look back. -
Ginger62 – The best people run this place and I've had a lot of great times there.
What are three staples in your refrigerator?
I'm home so rarely that I don't get to cook that often so my place is stacked with condiments, snacks and sugar-laced drinks for endless studio sessions. I'd say Sriracha, chile mangos and Thai iced tea.
The last meal you made at home was...
In all honesty, in the last 8 months I've probably spent 2 weeks total at home. The last thing I probably made was an egg sandwich.
Got any quirky (or strange) dietary habits?
I loathe mustard, which is pretty strange to me because I eat pretty much everything except that. I also live for Thai iced tea — my girlfriend calls me Thai Iced Trevor.
What's the first food to hit your lips in the morning?
In LA it's chilaquiles at Cha Cha Cha on Melrose. When I'm home I eat breakfast/lunch there as much as I can.
Favorite cooking shows on TV?
I don't watch all that much television, but my girlfriend has Top Chef Just Desserts Tivo'd, so I'll watch that when I'm home. I also saw Bitchin' Kitchen in a hotel the other day and was kinda confused/suprised...I guess every angle of the cooking show really has been covered.
Do you have any pre-show food rituals/habits?
I get SUPER nervous before festivals, and even in some big club experiences, so I tend to try to not eat before those. But before club stuff I'm usually trying to eat at a new place I've heard of in the city.
What are the food or drink requirements for shows from your touring rider?
I'm straight-edge so my touring rider is usually laughed at pretty hard in the club. But I ask for ginger ales and a couple Red Bull colas, with some water. In Vegas I'll luck out and get a crazy tab at a restaurant a lot of the time. I love when that happens. I'll eat 'til I wanna pass out in the DJ booth.
What's your earliest cooking memory as a child?
Definitely watching my mom make stuffed salmon. That BLEW my mind, I remember being young and being like "What in the hell? When you say we're eating fish we're actually EATING A FISH?" Ahhh childhood.
If you're eating after 3AM, you're likely eating...
Tacos and horchata, my life force.
Who parties harder: Chefs or DJs?
Chefs! The caterers on this tour I'm on go harder than anybody. Up til 4AM raging and then back up at 6 hitting the markets to get ingredients.
If you get hungry during a set, what kinds of food do you snack on that won't get the equipment all greasy?
Ha. I keep a little stash of Tiger's Milk protein bars in my DJ bag for easy plane snacking. Probably grab one of those.
What's the best thing your mom cooks?
My mom is so great at the hearty Midwestern steak and potatoes. We grew up in Iowa, so it's a staple.
Send your best example of food porn you taken.
I mean what is more vulgar than this? (see above). Good ol' Miami...
Name another DJ or musician you've worked with who is really into food.
So many are that's why my mates Gina and Stray from Bag Raiders started Dishlicker so we can see where all our friends are eating across the globe and try to maximize our time in those cities.
Let's talk Dishlicker. How did you come up withe concept and the name?
I've photographed meals on my phone forever. I finally started making albums on Facebook in 2009, and when I met Stray and Gina they were doing the same thing. I had kinda half-coded the site a few times on my own, but it was terrible so we got together and decided we really wanted to do it and put the money together. The site is still in beta as we sort the app, but it's been fun watching it grow.
How many of the contributors are DJs?
Right now I'd say about 20%, but we have everyone from world-class photographers, supermodels, labelheads and everything else. The idea for contributors is to select people who have interesting lives and eat interesting things as an extension of that.
Why do you supposed DJs know so much about food?
I'd say great DJs are great editors, they know how to filter and and that's important in food as well. There's so much to choose from and they know how to pick things that are going to challenge and please them.
Top five Dishlicker photos, and why?
This is beautiful, I'd hesitate to eat it it looks so good. -
I'm a sucker for a good Pho, as is Stray, I see. -
Pancake Drink from a soda machine? This is why Japan rules. - Theres a few things you need to do in Argentina. This is one of them.
Sushi park in LA is one of my FAVORITES
Can you give us a playlist and what you'd cook to it?
I'd be making a Vanilla Panna Cotta cause I'm feelin fancy right now...
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