Would You Pay To Bathe In Hershey's Chocolate?

Mixed news for fans of spas and chocolate! The good news is there's a spa in Pennsylvania offering luscious-sounding treatments like dark chocolate sugar scrub. The "eh" news is that the spa is at the Hotel Hershey. Would you bathe in Hershey's chocolate?

There's a difference between the cacao-influenced spa treatments like those at CocoaJuvenate Spa at St. Lucia's posh Hotel Chocolat, and the ones at Hershey's Melt Spa. Most notably, Hershey's chocolate is formulated with alkali in what's known as "Dutch processing," and is higher in sugar than other brands — both of which may contribute to skin dryness and irritation.

Hershey's spa options also come with a post-treatment buffet of foil-wrapped Kisses, hot cocoa and chocolate muffins — a far cry from the bowl of green apples and icy tank of lemon-cucumber water normally associated with wellness, hydration, detoxification and relaxation. You know, spa stuff. But hey, if your goal is to actually bathe in cheap chocolate like this weirdo, this will most certainly be your jam. And if your goal is to not break out in full-body acne while smelling like a muffin, perhaps don't go to Melt Spa.

Still, we have to ask: what's the difference between Hershey's dark chocolate-dipped strawberry treatment and dark chocolate "immersion." The former involves arriving to your treatment in a giant absorbent strawberry costume, we assume.