Indigenous Food Symposium Studies, And Celebrates, Native American Cooking

This coming weekend in Tucson, Arizona, the 2013 Indigenous Food Symposium will celebrate Native American cooking traditions, something that has been overlooked in this age of celebrity walk-around tastings and overseas food conferences.

The two-day event is orgazined in a partnership between the Native American Culinary Association (NACA) and Tohono O'odham Community Action, and will feature workshops, lectures and cooking demonstrations on indigenous food and agriculture by some of Indian Country's brightest farmers, scholars, community members and chefs. Heading up the festivities is Nephi Craig, Executive Chef of Sunrise Park Resort Hotel.

Following the Symposium will be a two-day marketplace open to the public with basket weavers from all over the United States, as well as demonstrations by top indigenous chefs and traditional cooks. The activities — which will take place at the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum — seek to celebrate Native American people, land and food, and will offer an in-depth look at culinary traditions that have not previously received much recognition in the national spotlight.

For detailed event information and to purchase tickets, visit the Symposium's website.

2013 NACA Indigenous Food Symposium

December 5-6

Arizona Sonora Desert Museum

2021 North Kinney Road

Tucson, Arizona 85743

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