Reheat: Best Uses Of Blue Cheese

Hope you enjoyed your weekend! Jess is still enjoying hers, so here's some words on blue cheese that ring true to this day. Happy lunchtime.

Right, I know. You don't like blue cheese. Ew, gross, mold, etc. Shut up for like, one second. I too was a hater. I once wouldn't order a salad with all the rest of my favorite things because I didn't want to be the person who specified "no blue cheese." That negates the point of a Cobb salad. I recommend you click on that link for the point of a Cobb salad. Anyway, I figured out the trick to liking blue cheese. It's really easy.

Heat that cheese up. The same goes for goat, feta and other "alternative" cheeses (to your American singles). Oh what's that you say? You forgot, you like blue cheese when it's dripping off a buffalo wing? Well isn't that convenient? Cause what I'm hearing is you like blue cheese. Follow your gut (psst, it's spring, lose the gut) and recreate the flavors in a sandwich, but use real blue cheese instead of dressing. Toss shredded chicken with a little mayo, chopped celery and the buffalo sauce of your choice, then add in fine crumbles of blue cheese a little at a time so as not to upset your delicate senses. Grill the sandwich in a hot pan until crisp on both sides, then dig in. You like it, right? Alright, next step: sweetening it up.

Blue cheese is moldy and funky. This we cannot and would not change. But what we can do is distract from the moldy funk by tempering it with something crisp and sweet, like apples. If you're of the sweet and salty persuasion, this chopped salad will revolutionize the way you look at fruit and cheese pairings.

Finally, we come full circle with blue cheese dressing. Only this time you didn't pour it out of a bottle. You made it, with actual blue cheese. Go to the supermarket (gross gross gross), pick up the least offensive-looking blue cheese you can find (don't say it doesn't exist), take it home with you (gross gross gross) and follow this very easy recipe for actual blue cheese dressing. You're proud of your creation, aren't you? Makes you want to dip a wing in. cheese. I mean gross, sh*t's nasty.

(You'll be ordering extra on your burger before you know it).