Grilled Macaroni And Cheese Sandwich!

There is absolutely, positively nothing wrong with what you see here. But Food Republic, you ask, isn't there supposed to be meat, or at least some veggies in there? Some mustard, perhaps?

No. This sandwich is perfect just the way nature and Los Angeles' Grilled Cheese Truck intended: Carbs and fat fried in carbs, in fat. It is, for all intents and purposes, the ultimate sandwich. Unless you're gluten or lactose-intolerant. Then maybe just stick with a salad. But it won't win you the Grilled Cheese Invitational.

Our friends at YumSugar shared one chef's recipe for this hulking behemoth of rich, melty goodness so you can make it yourself at home (try our favorite mac 'n cheese recipe) if you can't find a place grilling up these buttery little gems by the dozen.

Mac and swiss on rye? Yes. Mac and cheddar on Texas toast? Yes. Mac and brie on pumpernickel? Yes. Mac and goat on rosemary focc... alright you get the message. Find or construct your dream grilled mac and cheese ASAP and let us know how it turned out in the comments below or submit photos to our Flickr pool. We're seriously excited about this one.