Brie cheese on a table with milk and curds
Why You'll Never Eat 'Real' Brie Cheese In The U.S.
Light and creamy brie is a beloved French cheese, but the version sold in U.S. stores is quite different from the original, which hails from the Brie region in northern France.
Traditional French brie is made with raw cows' milk, which gives the cheese its distinct and intense flavor profile. Raw milk has not been pasteurized or homogenized.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) prohibits the import of raw milk cheeses unless they're aged for more than 60 days. Brie is a "young" cheese aged 40 to 45 days.
Therefore, true French brie falls short of these regulations. The brie sold in U.S. stores is often made with pasteurized and homogenized milk or aged longer than 60 days.