A cut steak with a fork and  knife.
Why You Should Be Air Drying Your Steak Every Time
Dry-aged beef is exposed to cool air for weeks, dehydrating the meat’s surface. Here, the water is pulled from the muscle to the surface where the circulating dry air evaporates it.
When cooked at high temperatures, the meat’s air-dried exterior caramelizes quickly, eliminating overcooked steaks. This also allows you to prepare meat to any desired doneness.
Dedicating at least four hours to air-drying the steak in the fridge’s cool, dry environment can dramatically improve its texture and taste. You can easily do it yourself too.
Pat the steak with paper towels to remove moisture, season with kosher salt, and place it on a wire rack in the fridge, ensuring space between multiple steaks to prevent touching.
Ideally, dedicate a separate fridge to air-drying since the uncovered meat can absorb surrounding odors, and opening the door repeatedly can lead to contamination.
If that’s impossible, store the steak on the refrigerator’s bottom shelf away from ready-to-eat food like produce or leftovers to minimize cross-contamination.
Air-drying is especially beneficial if the meat has been wet-brined or marinated. It can infuse the meat with flavor and make it more tender while delivering a golden brown crust.