A close-up of cooked bacon
What It Means When Bacon Has A Green-ish Sheen
A green-ish sheen on bacon looks alarming, but it doesn’t pose a threat if the pack is within its best-by date, properly sealed, and there’s no sliminess or strong odor.
The color change from red to green is caused by reactions between preservatives like nitrite and myoglobins in the meat. Other color changes, like brown or gray, indicate spoilage.
Refrigerated bacon developing a green hue after several days may indicate bacterial or fungal growth, especially if accompanied by strong odors. These signs necessitate disposal.
Other processed meats, like roast beef slices, can also develop a green sheen due to similar chemical reactions. Cooking won't eliminate the hue, but it may reduce its visibility.
To prevent spoilage and avoid food borne diseases, keep in mind that bacon should not be kept in the fridge for more than a week or in the freezer for more than four months.