Hand holding Pillsbury's cinnamon roll can
Transform Canned Cinnamon Rolls Into Mini Apple Pies With One Ingredient
Canned cinnamon rolls can be turned into mini apple pies with apple pie filling in minutes. The cinnamon and brown sugar in the rolls pair well with the sweetened baked apples.
Mold individual rolls to the bottom and sides of each cup of a regular-sized muffin tin to form the crusts for the filling. Once cooked, top the pies with the provided icing.
Although you'll want to use some cooking spray, it's best to make the mini pies with a non-stick muffin tin or silicone muffin cups so that the individual portions come out easier.
Since the pies are mini, they bake for only 18 minutes. It's crucial to cut the apples into smaller chunks to avoid leaving a single, firm apple wedge in the middle of the treats.
Let the pies cool down and firm up before removing them from the cups or you’ll risk ruining them. Letting them cool a bit will also keep the icing from melting into the filling.