Two halves of a mission-style burrito.
The Mission-Style Burritos In San Francisco Have Serious History

The Mission District is one of San Francisco's Latin American quarters historically known for its food and culture, and it's here where a unique type of burrito was born.

Mission-style burritos are giant flour tortillas filled with rice, beans, meat, and guacamole or avocado. The burrito has become a must-eat for tourists from all over the world.

During the 1950s and 60s, the Mission District saw a strong influx of Spanish-speaking immigrants who naturally set up businesses like bodegas, fruit stands, and eateries.

According to San Francisco Magazine, two Mission District restaurants, Taqueria La Cumbre and El Faro, claim to have originated what is known as the Mission-style burrito.

La Cumbre boasts the date of discovery: September 29, 1969. El Faro states a founding date of September 26, 1961, when they turned two six-inch tortillas into one large burrito.

The reputation of these burritos has grown through the years. Today, Mission-style burritos are one of the reasons San Francisco is a top food destination in America.